Hospitalization certificates and examination certificates from the Outpatient Offices are issued by the Hospital’s Secretariat, following a relevant application. The application is received by the Patient Admissions Office and is submitted to the hospital’s General Secretariat, where it is given a protocol number.
The certificates are issued for the interested users of the health care services provided by the hospital within the time limit stipulated by the law.
Hospitalization or patient examination certificates, as well as the Medical Record are considered entirely personal and strictly confidential.
- The service is obliged to issue the Certificate within a time limit of 5 working days or at the latest within the time limit stipulated by the law in each case (Law 2690/99, Article 4).
- The medical record and the information included in the patient’s Certificate must be used with the necessary confidentiality.
- In the Certificate, the diagnosis is signed and certified by the treating physician or, in the case of absence, the physician Director of the Clinic.
- In the case that the Certificate is not delivered within the stipulated time limit, the Patient Admissions Office or the treating physician - depending on who is responsible for the delay - must inform the patient, in writing, of the reasons for the delay, as well as of the date and mode of delivery of the Certificate, in person or by post (Law 2690/99, Article 4).
- In the case that the interested party or their legal representative or guardian is not in a position either to request or to receive the Certificate, then a person authorized at law by them or by their legal representative or guardian shall do so.
- A Hospitalization Certificate may be requested both for a patient who has been discharged from the hospital and for a patient who is still hospitalized.
A Hospitalization Certificate may not be issued as long as the physician judges and notes that the medical confidentiality is violated. In this case, the applicant is informed in writing (Law 2690/99, Article 4).